Nicoletta Rossi & Guido Bianchi

Nicoletta Rossi was born in Milan in 1961. She received her degree in architecture from the Polytechnic of Milan in 1988. She has worked on many projects in Italy and abroad with Piero Castiglioni. In 2003, she joined the scientific staff of the lighting magazine "Luce&Design" and co-authored the "Lighting Manual" published by Tecniche Nuove. At the beginning of 2006, together with Guido Bianchi, she founded the lighting design Rossi Bianchi.

Guido Bianchi was born in Florence in 1970. He received his degree in architecture from the University of Florence in 1997. He then started working as a lighting designer at Targetti Sankey Spa in Florence, where he followed product design and supervised prestigious architectural installations. In 2000, Guido worked in Rome as an independent lighting consultant, also collaborating with Piero Castiglioni in Milan on many projects and lighting developments. He became a member of Lighting Design Partnership International, where he followed various lighting projects.

Rossi Bianchi Lighting Design was founded in Milan, Italy in early 2006. The studio focused its activities exclusively on lighting design. In contrast to the traditional approach of "proper" lighting design, based on efficiency and visual comfort, the intention is to explore all the dimensions involved in the lighting experience with the aim of achieving an evocative and emotional response through light.

Nicoletta Rossi & Guido Bianchi

Nicoletta Rossi & Guido Bianchi